Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Will the Force Live Long and Prosper?

 Just when you think things can't get stranger in the Star Wars World. Disney buys Star Wars... 3 new movies are ahead... NOW the director has been selected! And that director is the JJ Abrams, the director of the latest Star Trek movies!!! Yeah, Star Trek!!! I personaly really like Star Trek and grew up watching it. I even bought a copy of the last Star Trek movie made cause I found it for $5 but never got a chance to watch it... well, maybe I should now...
 To be honest I am trying to not read much about what the new movies my be about but this news did reach me. I haven't seen his Star Trek film but I did read he was a Star Wars fan and that was part of the reason he DIDN'T want to director a film but I guess he gave in. But that gives me hope that someone who respects the Star Wars Universe will do his best to make it the best he can...
 That's all for now....

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